Facts of a Foxes Life

Reproductive Behaviour

Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) are active throughout the whole year though their presence may seem lower in January and February as these months are their mating seasons. Within the end of the second month vixens begin to seek suitable earth to breed in eventually giving birth to litters between the months of April and March. Increased activity may be recognised in particular areas through June and October as the breeding den abandoned (at the start of this period) by all occupants whilst the cubs undergo maturity learning to forage for themselves whilst completing their moults eventually separating from the family group. The remaining two months are spent between adults and young adults fighting for dominance and defending old or new found territories preparing for mating season.

An average litter size birthed by vixens is 5 cubs which will remain with the adult for a number months which (if a den is located near your premises) may result in excessive defecation leading to secondary pests, consumed carcasses, possible physical harm and a number of other hazards or annoyances which is why their prevention is of high importance.

Identifying a Infestation

There are a number of ways the presence of foxes or an infestation can be identified within a premises:

Physical Sightings

​Continuous Sightings of Foxes is the easiest way of determining whether they have taken up residence in the surrounding area of your premises or working environment. You may also see Group Sightings meaning a den is close by

Damaged Earth & Soils

In attempt or success, damaged earth and soil is usually dug out by foxes for the purpose of giving birth in or generally residing in an area which has an abundance of food sources. These will resemble Large Circular Holes.

Sound of a Presence

The the Sound of their activities may become apparent and overwhelming. The screams and barking noises they make can last for long durations and would be heard during unsocial hours causing unrest to local residents.

Faeces Droppings

Foxes may defecate as well as urinate in an area they inhabit for the purpose of territorial marking which would be very easy to determine if you do not own any pets. If so, then may be an excessive amount of droppings.

Identifying Foxes

Foxes resemble a small dog in appearance with a reddish coat of fur, a white underside and a white tip at the end of their tail. They are approximately 110 cm in length from nose to tail and are roughly 40cm in height from the shoulders. They can be found in both urban and rural environments but typically reside in dense vegetated growths, large or congested gardens and areas alike.