Food & Beverage Pest Control Services

We can resolve pest related problems in your Cafes, Restaurants, Food & Beverage establishments

Food establishments can, unfortunately, suffer an Infestation even though hygiene standards are being upheld to your highest standards and if not addressed, can worsen within the immediate environment causing multiple unsanitary areas ultimately resulting in contamination of foodstuffs and severe reputable damage. Due to possible external sources which would be inviting to pests, a food establishment may suffer from ongoing infestations increasing the possibility of increased activity or rapid breeding rates. It is for those reasons that preventative measures are in place for such occurrences in order to safeguard the premises, all foodstuffs, of your clients and employees.

Steel Guard Pest Control offers professional Food & Beverage Pest Control Services including:

Thorough Inspections of all infested areas and possibly the whole premises depending on the severity of the infestation.

Professional Sets of Treatments once an infestation is determined which would be carried out lasting over a duration corresponding to the severity of that particular infestation.

Various Prevention Methods and Other Works which may include blocking to direct or possible access points and/or clearances being conducted.

Kitchen Area
Alike a residential premise, pests are no stranger to Kitchen Areas even more so within a food establishment due to foodstuffs being in abundance, obscured access points that may exist and excessive daily activities which take place making a breeding environment favourable.

Area Related Pests:

Mice / Rats / Cockroaches / Fruit Flies / Drain Flies / Silverfish / BlackAnts / Pharaoh Ants / Flour Mites / Kitchen Weevils

Dinning Area

A Dinning Area may become infested due to the severity of an existing infestation or unknown additional factors within the immediate surroundings. It is the least common place to become infested though the possibility is fairly high.

Area Related Pests:

Mice / Rats / Cockroaches / Common Flies / Fruit Flies / BlackAnts / Pharaoh Ants

External Areas
External Areas where waste is kept can be the source of an internal infestation and should be the starting point for preventative measures to take place. Pests may curiously seek resources though following the scent to bin areas or waste spillages may be enough to lure them.

Area Related Pests:

Mice / Rats / Cockroaches / Fruit Flies / BlackAnts / Pharaoh Ants / Wasps / Common Flies / Maggots / Foxes

Although infestations can be localised (depending on the pest) to specific areas where habitual behaviour and feeding would commonly occur, they can and have been found in unfamiliar areas within a food establishment depending on the severity of the infestation, inaccessible cryptic areas and an abundance of sought resources which may be available throughout.

*See Terms, Conditions & Recommendations at the bottom of the page for information in relation to treatments and services.