Reproductive Behaviour
Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) have three stages of distinction within its life cycle which are the Egg, the Nymph and the Adult. The eggs (which are coloured white or light brown) are placed in the crevices of surfaces or foodstuff packings or furnishings within the immediate surroundings (being humid or damp areas). After hatching from their eggs the nymphs will undergo a series of moults(10-12) which may take up to a year before becoming an adult. The moultings are never really seen due to their cryptic behaviour though the infants and adults are common sightings.
Up to 200 eggs can be laid within a two month period being placed in crevices or dropped randomly meaning infestations will rapidly become extreme if professional contact is not made by either occupants and homeowners leaving foodstuffs or personal papers of sorts contaminated and/or damaged.
Identifying a Infestation
There are generally two ways of identifying an Silverfish infestation which are listed below:
Physical Sightings
The easiest way of determining an infestation is multiple or continuous internal Sightings of Silverfish(adults or nymphs). Its best advised not to dismiss an infestation just because only some were sighted. A thorough check should be carried out by if not yourself, then a specialist.
Damaged surroundings
Internally, this may be in the form of foodstuff packings, most forms of paper, grout/binding pastes, textiles and fabrics. Damage usually resembles confetti-like shredding of paper or missing grout and pastes amongst raised tiles.
Identifying a Silverfish
The physical appearance of an adult Silverfish is approximately 20mm long which is a six legged insect with long antennae, long silvery-slender body and three bristly tails. They will vary in colour and size depending on which stage of development they are in. They normally can be found in locations which are damp and wet i.e Bathrooms, Kitchens, Pantries, Cellars and are commonly found in dark unused areas like the void space behind kitchen skirting boards.